Stories by Ogiwara Saki (荻原咲)

An Origin (Issue 50: The Soldiering Life) [Mirror]
But ever in the moonlight (Issue 46: Theme Free) [Mirror]
Glaive & Hill & the Matter of the Sapphic Society (Special Issue 8: Tea For Two) [Mirror]
Kiss Kiss Brains Brains (Special Issue 6: Flora Gave Me Fairest Flowers) [Mirror]
La muerte y el jardín (Issue 36: Crime and Punishment) [Mirror]
Let X Be Y (Issue 43: Heroes & Villains) [Mirror]
Much and Many: Or, the Death of Thomas Rust (Issue 66: Second Chances)
No Hero Manual Included (Issue 27: Fairytales) [Mirror]
Strange Lexicons (Issue 52: Theme Free) [Mirror]
Strength, Gallantry, and Other Useless Bits (Issue 26: Schoolboys) [Mirror]
Sweet to Tongue and Sound to Eye (Issue 32: Hot for Teacher) [Mirror]
The City of a Thousand Days (Issue 39: Sword and Sorcery) [Mirror]
The Eye and the Eye (Issue 40: Theme Free) [Mirror]
Unidentified Friendship Objective (Issue 33: Myths and Monsters) [Mirror]
Where You Have Yet To Go (Issue 28: Theme Free) [Mirror]
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