Stories by Takiguchi Aiko (滝口アイコ)

Again and Again a Beginning (Issue 30: To Infinity and Beyond) [Mirror]
Guitar Hero (Issue 13: Theme Free) [Mirror]
Itjtawy (Issue 31: Wild Wild West) [Mirror]
Kids And Heroes (Issue 14: Short & Sweet ) [Mirror]
Seven Tears into the Sea (Issue 34: Theme Free) [Mirror]
The Eleusinian Mysteries (Issue 43: Heroes & Villains) [Mirror]
The Hail Mary (Issue 55: Guys and Balls) [Mirror]
The Overseers of Harmful People (Issue 9: Asiaphilia) [Mirror]
The Unicorn Man (Issue 33: Myths and Monsters) [Mirror]
World’s Finest (Issue 16: Faster Higher Stronger) [Mirror]
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